Tuesday 2 January 2007

Just goes to show

You never can tell.

Turns out yesterday did get a damn sight more interesting after I finished my first blog post, Rachel got back from her New Years in Amsterdam and invited me over. I can live with being proven wrong when it's for something nice like that.

Sorry, a little background would probably be handy, Rachel is a girl I met a couple of months ago and we are now in a kind of relationship but it's, er, a bit complicated. Complicated in the sense of you really, really wouldn't want me to explain, it's not half as exciting as it might sound, it wouldn't make good blog fodder, trust me.
We are just spending a lot of time together and getting to like each other (quite a lot really), and I promise you'll be the first to know of any developments. Ok, I hope i'll be the first to know, or maybe the second to know, but you are next in line I promise.

I promised myself I wouldnt use this blog to go on and on about Rachel, even though I really would like to and could probably ramble for pages and pages, so I won't. But she is great.

So, yesterday, Jan 1st, in full, in a truncated 'bridget jones' style set of sentences. (this will not be a regular thing, there's plagiarism and then there's just plain copying)

Woke up, regretted it, went back to sleep.
Repeat above 4 or 5 times.
Woke up, discovered hangover miraculously faded to a dull throb, daylight no longer caused temporary blindness.
Had some food.
Mooched some more.
Possibly more food at this point.
Wrote first ever 'Aimless Dandan' Blog
Got invited over to Rachels, instantly erasing all remains of hangover and somehow making the thought of work the next day seem considerably less depressing.
Hey, i'm a gentleman, this isn't 'boy with a one track mind', you dont get any details of this bit.
Got back home about 3am, not even vaguely tired.

That was it for day one, not too bad in all, certainly picked up towards the end too. Check back tomorrow to find out how I managed to employ a new staff member without even realising it.


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