Wednesday 10 January 2007

Job Offers

"Alright Peer, how are you?" says me.
"Ah, my favourite Salisbury Signmaker! How are you doing Dan?" Says Peer.
"Actually, I won't be a Salisbury signmaker soon, i'm leaving"
"Yeah, probably at the end of this month"
"Want a job?"

And I had basically the same conversation about a month ago as well, just replace the name 'Peer' with 'Jason', and change location to another local signmaking company, but the jist is the same.

Why does everyone who knows me within my profession want to offer me a job?
I can only guess that they think I would make a good employee, and I really am loathe to contradict them, but I genuinely think I would disappoint them considerably, and I swear this is not generated by some false modesty on my part.
I have good communication skills, which means I generally get on well with people I meet, especially in a professional situation, where my total inability to be intentionally rude or disrespectful to people really comes to the fore, and I'm guessing that this positive appearance comes across as a sign of how I always conduct myself.
Be nice if that were true.

I work to live, rather than a lot of people (my dad included) who live to work, or so it seems, and I think if people realised this about me, I might not be quite such a hot employee prospect.
I'm not saying i'm a lazy person, (I can't be arsed to) but I sure as hell wouldn't work if I didn't have to. I want to spend my days doing something I really enjoy, and while i'm sure there are jobs like that out there for certain people (the less said about these people the better) I tend to find the enjoyable jobs are the very, VERY badly paid ones.
I will furnish you with an example or two: I love bar work, and can think of worse things to spend your 40-odd hours a week doing than listening to music and meeting people, after all that is what I choose to spend a lot of my free time doing anyway! But bar work isn't exactly a lucrative career with great prospects. Don't even start the sentence "but you could manage a bar and get paid more" because then you aren't doing bar work, you are managing, which as far as I can tell involves making phone calls, looking stressed and staring intently at sheets of paper. Possibly in an attempt to change them into other sheets of paper with slightly more pleasing things written on them, I don't know.
That's straight back to the un-enjoyable job scenario.
I do a lot of sports, and I think teaching one of those for a living would be pretty cool too, but again, especially if you haven't spent 4 years getting a teaching degree, (I haven't, last time I checked) you won't get a decent wage for doing it.

It's not that I am money obsessed, but I have managed to generate for myself at least the national average of debt per head (about £12,000 I think, exluding mortgages) that I need to attempt to pay back, and I seem to manage to enjoy all the most expensive hobbies, fast cars being the main one. I need enough at least to keep these things under control and then have a little spare change to live on too.
So I'm aiming to do jobs that pay reasonably well, and it's such a shame that these jobs aren't much fun. I say aiming, as my current job as a signmaker involves working for my dad, sort of as a partner in business and so I have not actually recieved a proper wage for over 3 years now.
Maybe it is because I resent working so hard for so long and getting nothing from it, that I think I would be a bad employee, if I actually recieved some money in reward for my work, I might be more positively disposed towards the job, it's just I can't remember the last time that happened.

All sorts of stuff is going on in my life at the moment, having to get a new job being only one of them, and it means I still genuinely have no idea what I am going to do, despite the fact that I may be less than 20 days away from the dole queue. It's a good thing though, I feel kind of free, and feel like I could do everything, and although I may soon get desperate for anything, right now it feels good.

Man, what a ramble, what I am trying to say is I don't know what I want to do for a job, but i'm getting more sure of what I don't want to do, and it involves anything that I don't enjoy. Now I just need to figure out how I can do it while still generating enough money to get by.
Damn this living life to the full thing can be tricky. Bloody money.

Sorry for the lack of humour in this post, it got away from me a bit there, but it would be a shame to bin it now. This post was also brought to you whilst trying desperately not to go on and on and on about Rachel instead of discussing anything else, believe me it's been hard. (She's amazing, ok i'll shut up now)

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