Thursday 28 February 2008


Sorry about the lack of posts, my computer is still in pieces on my mate's desk, which makes it quite hard to access the internet with it.

Normal service will resume one day, I imagine.

In the meantime, why not ask yourself some interesting 50/50 questions, like 'if you had to give up music or hot food forever, which would it be?' or how about 'you only have one bullet, who would you shoot, Adele (sp) or Kate Nash?'

TTFN for now.

Wednesday 13 February 2008

Alanis Morisette has nothing on me

I cancelled my PC technical support contract yesterday morning.

My computer died in a spectacular fashion yesterday afternoon.

There's a link here somewhere...

Tuesday 5 February 2008

My Girlfriend isn't posh but....

I'm not sure Rachel is quite au fait with the delicate social structure of football and the basic make-up of your average football fan, as I think this conversation shows:

Rachel: I'm going to watch a football match at the Saints stadium! It's a free corporate thing with work and we will have our own box to watch the game from.

Me: Yeah? thats cool. My friend Chris from work is going to watch that match too.

Rachel: Really? What box is he in?