Friday 12 January 2007


(Just to let you know i am posting this today but I wrote it last week, but never had time to finish it, things have been, er, busy to say the least, but this one should be dated the 12th January I think)

So much for sticking to a single particular subject for each blog, thats went out the window pretty fast. I've got all sorts of stuff I want to write a little bit about, but nothing that is really enough to justify it's very own post, so you get a mixed bag today. I warn you, get your sick bags out because it may include some vomit inducing romantic mush about Rachel, i've been really good not writing too much about her, but I just want to so I will, nerr.

First of all, I'm sorry.

Missed out posting on another day yesterday, doing this daily isn't as easy as I thought it might be, turns out I genuinely don't have the time to even write a tiny short post some days. I'll try and keep it as regular as possible, but i'm sure as hell not going to start saying "Come down the pub tonight? No, sorry, I have to write my blog". Perspective, people.
Taking that into account, I may miss out a post or two this coming weekend, as it is my friend Laura's birthday and she has organised festivities for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, if all goes well I won't see my bed for 3 days, let alone my computer.

I'm kind of double booked tonight, as well as kicking off the birthday celebrations, I am supposed to go see my brothers band ( tonight, but through an incredible series of coincidences and people being generally flaky, I don't actually have anyone to go with. My brother will be there obviously, but he may well want to concentrate on hitting the drums with his sticks rather than standing next to me with a pint saying "Gosh, these guys flipping rock" or whatever it is you say at gigs. Although seeing as his band are a 'hardcore' band, I doubt you get the chance to say or hear much else at all while they are playing.
I'm not ready to be the lonely bloke stood in the corner pretending to really concentrate on the music by vigorously tapping a foot and staring into the middle distance, carefully avoiding any direct eye contact, so I may have to give this one a miss, sorry bro.

I went out with a bunch of people last night to Goblets in Southampton and then we headed over to the Dungeon afterwards. People present were Rachel (of course), Laura, Bec, Smif, and a guy called Penfold. It was a good fun evening in general, although as usual it went on until about 2.30am, and now I am quite predictably shattered (I hope i'm not the only one).
I can't help feeling also that I may have had a very lucky escape last night.
I was the only dope not drinking (as I live further out than everyone else and I have to drive), which meant that when we moved from one bar to the next, I was asked for a lift. Normally this is fine, but unfortunately last night I was lumbered with my work van, which I thought would put people off, seeing as it only has 2 seats and a big empty space in the back.

Put them off? pah, they thought it was a great idea.
I felt like an immigrant smuggler, hustling this line of people out of the back of a white van outside the bar, and we also found out that a smooth van floor plus no seatbelts combined with my dodgy braking will result in someone banging their head. (sorry Bec)
I even ended up taking a couple of people home later on in the same fashion, I made them get out the side door, as at least it looks less like I am depositing Polish workers at the side of the road that way.
The lucky escape came once I only had one person left in the van (in a proper seat and everything), when I started to get tailed by a police car. I realised I had been kind of cruising along at about 40 in a 30 zone, what with it being the middle of the night and dead quiet, so the policeman pulled me over. Thank christ he didn't see me dropping the last people off out of the back of the van, anyone know the penalty for carting people around like luggage? i'm sure it's not nice.
I just got checked out and breathylised and warned about my speed, but I was very aware of what could have happened if I had been spotted by him about 2 minutes earlier.
Lucky espace indeed, sorry guys, I don't think I had better sardine you in my van anymore.

My bet with Rachel has come to a very early end, as when I met up with her last night she was sat in the pub smoking! Well, it means no peircing for me, which is kind of a relief, but I would have gone through with it for the crack anyway, nevermind, I'm sure I can find something else to bet her soon.
Which brings me neatly to Rachel. Ah, Rachel, Rachel, Rachel.

RIGHT. Im going to have to stop you there, this is where I ran out of time to finish this blog, so I will continue it on a new post later today. Huge apologies to those who wish to read about how wonderful and amazing Rachel is, trust me i'll make up for it in the next post (i'm setting the keyboard to 'mind numbingly gooey and luvvy-duvvy' as we speak).
So thats your lot for now, apologies again for my lack of posting, but if you had the weekend I had, you wouldn't have posted either. :)

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