Monday 1 January 2007

As good a time as any...


Thought I would start one of these here blog things, see if I can manage to write anything that someone might actually enjoy reading.
Ok, thats not strictly true, I've been writing a blog on myspace for a while now (no, i'm not going to link to it) but I thought maybe starting one on here might get a slightly wider (and slightly more random) audience, 'cos yes I am a bit vain and self-obsessed and want people to read what I write.

Well thats great that is, I've started off with a bit fat lie, damn. Well, I won't worry about it if you don't.

Ok, I'm no proper writer, I learnt english up to g.c.s.e and thats about it, so i'm going to spell stuff wrong, and I'll almost certainly abuse puncuation marks no end, but i'll do my best, honest.
This is more than likely going to be a bit of a diary-style blog, just letting you know what I get up to on a daily (or not so daily possibly) basis. I'm a Signmaker at the moment, I live near Southampton, so my daily activities aren't exactly front page stuff, but lets see how I get on anyway.
Saying that, if I feel like it, it could include anything, so don't rule out seeing short stories, those incredibly self indulgent 'net circulated questionnaires, or even poetry. (actually, you probably can rule out that last one)

Like I said it's going to be a kind of diary, but I will obviously write it for other people (thats you, that is) to read, so it's not going to be full of deepest darkest desires and secrets, sorry. Might be alright though, you never know.

And it's just a bit of luck that i'm starting it on the 1st of Jan, well I thought about it a few days ago, but this way dates will be much easier to remember.

I won't write about what happened today, partly because it mostly involves recovering from last night, (that would be sleeping, clutching my head and trying to figure out where I got this huge bruise on my arse) and partly because it's not quite over yet and you never know, anything could still happen. yeah, right, it's not that I can't be bothered at all.

Back to work tomorrow, and i'll be sure to rattle off a proper blog, but give me a few goes at it to get my hand in, ok? ta.

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