Thursday 29 November 2007

Unbelievable Sick-Note Excuses #12

Sometimes, just sometimes, you might get your hand trodden on. It happens occasionally if you aren't paying full attention, and usually when your hand is, for some reason, in close proximity to some wayward feet.

Good examples of this may be if you are knelt on the floor involved in some activity which may require a hand placed on the floor for extra balance or leverage, (minds out of gutters please, I mean like reaching for something heavy at the back of a low cupboard) or possibly if you have fallen over in some manly team sporting activity and another participant of said sporting activity can't change direction quick enough.
These would be perfectly acceptable situations in which you may unfortunately have your hand trodden on.

You'd think you would be safe from this sort of misfortune when clinging to a climbing wall, 30 foot off the floor.

It could only happen to me, I'm telling you.

My thumb is killing me.

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