Monday 12 November 2007

Bloody Petty, Money Grabbing...

(In the style of Muttley from Wacky Races and Catch the Pigeon) Rassa frassa rasssa...

I'm a bit angry really, 'cos a whole bunch of people who obviously think they don't have enough money yet, and who want to try and pointlessly fuck about with as many people's lives as possible in the process of getting that extra cash may soon cause me to have to quit my job.

Long story short, (with no names 'cos it really might get all legal eagle some time soon) I used to work with my dad and we ran a franchised company. I was a director along with him, but I left a year ago and went to work for a local company that are in the same line of business.
My dad closed down the company in the last month, and the franchisor is going mad 'cos he did it through an insolvency company in order to save himself as much money as possible, instead of closing it down through the contracted methods, which would involve paying lots and lots of extra fees and penalties to the franchisor.
He is perfectly within his rights to do this, but the franchisor is trying to claw back 'damages' for his actions, or something like that, basically trying to get back some of the cash they could have made for nothing if my dad had closed down the company by the book.

A now ex-employee of my dads is a complete tosser, and blabbed all this information about the business closing down to the franchisor in the first place, for no reason we can determine other than for petty personal revenge.

What I found out today is this tosser also told them that I work for a company in the same line of business, and so due to my personal agreement with the franchisor as a director, they can apparently legally force me to quit my job as it is a conflict of interests or some bollocks.

Absolute fucking bastards.

The company I work for now is in the same line of business but is in another league when it comes to volume of work and type of clientele, there is almost no possible conflict of interest between the two, so basically these people may force me to quit my job just because they can, it has absolutely zero effect on them in any way, but it fucks my life up royally. Once again, absolute fucking bastards.

If I ever see the tosser who blabbed this information out in the street, I am likely to do something very out of character, possibly several times.

Incidentally, 2 and a half years of climbing twice a week has given me arms like small steam pistons, and an incredibly strong grip which could probably form quite a good fist and punch with quite a lot of force.

Interesting, that.

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