Tuesday 27 March 2007

I'm going to New York!

Oh yes, yes indeed, I am actually going to have a holiday.
An actual real holiday that doesn't involve just taking a week off work and getting up at 2pm every day and then sitting around in my pants doing nothing productive.

Quite the contrary my dears, I am going to be very productive indeed, for I am going to the city that never sleeps, ( I assume this is done by some clever shift patterns, sleep deprivation is very bad for you) the Big Apple, (explain please) the, um, really interesting place with lots to do and see, I'm going to New York!

Rach booked the tickets today, so it's all confirmed and everything, hurrah! (Yes, obviously I am going with Rach, and no, she isn't paying for me to go, working for actual real wages means I can afford these things myself, how novel!)

I know it's going to be great, and we are going to do all sorts of touristy stuff, like the Empire State Building, Central Park, buying a hot dog from a guy on the, ahem, 'sidewalk' (check me out) standing over a steaming manhole cover, getting yellow cabs, that sort of thing.
That's all going to be cool but I wondered if anybody has any suggestions for anything we could do while there that is not necessarily on the tourist trail? Are there any little-known gems we should try and find?
All suggestions would be greatly received and investigated.
Well, considered at least.
Ok, I will read them but I can't promise anything.

I'm not going until May, so no rush, and I'm sure I will mention it again because I'm already very excited about it, but feel free to let me know of anything I simply have to see, dahling.

Pointless blatherings about random subjects will resume shortly. Thank you for your patience.


Anonymous said...

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!
Im also excited. Imagine the photos . .
'Rach eating a hotdog'
'Rach getting into a yellow cab'
'Rach getting mugged . . .'
Hehehe. Just kidding. Im REALLY excited!! xxxx

Anonymous said...

well it goes without saying i am v v jealous, but forgetting that you must travel on the subway. i shall get back to you with other suggestions.