Tuesday 13 March 2007

I keep getting older

It was my birthday on Friday just gone, and damn if I didn't get a year older again, happens to me every time, it would be nice to get a year younger some time. It may be time to start lying about my age, I still look under 18 (even with a beard) so I'm sure everyone will beleive me...

So I'm 25 now, I can actually measure my existence in an appreciably large fraction of a century, that's kind of scary.
And people say life moves faster as you get older, bloody hell, it's moving fast enough as it is, this does not bode well.

I'm at work at the moment, and I've somehow found five minutes to write this, but I really can't concentrate properly (the amateur rapping you tube videos being played on the PC next to me may have a lot to do with it, argh) so I will post again today when I get home, promise.

I feel a Rachel based post has been a long time in coming so you may need to go find a suitable receptacle to vomit into, if you are easily soppied-out, sorry.

I'll be back (not like aArnie, I'm much less threatening)

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