Monday 21 January 2008

This week I have been mainly...

Arguing with estate agents.
It's actually quite fun, especially when you know you are in the right and you can sit back and wait for them to figure out their own operating policies in order for them to realise they are wrong and then apologise to you. (they are still at the figuring out stage at the moment.)

It has made it a bit hard to get any posts in so I'm sorry about that but the whole situation is generating some blogging gold for use when I have the time to write about it, like when my dad almost physically shoved the lettings managers head inside our newly-rented, mouldy fridge to prove it was not fit for storing food.

You can't make that up.
Well, you could, but then it wouldn't be true and it's much funnier when it really happens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of renting!
Sarah x