Tuesday 16 October 2007

The Aimless Guide to Excruciating Pain

1. Get home and notice your chillies from your exceedingly hot, dead habanero chilli plant (R.I.P. Tim) lying on the shelf.

2. Decide to strip the seeds out, ready to plant them next year and grow lots of little Tim the 2nd's.

3. Complete your task and completely fail to wash your hands in any way.

4. Go for a pee.

5. Have a good old scratch around while you are there, it's the end of the day, you deserve it.

6. Wait 2 minutes

7. I don't need to draw you a picture. Inn fact I would refuse even if you asked nicely.

8. If you are not in enough agony, forget about the very recent discomfort you just endured, and rub your eyes after coming out of the shower.

I'll let you know when things aren't red and hurty any more.


Anonymous said...

You know, Dan, I think you're fab. I love your writing and your pictures. But really, in this instance, you're a prize A prat!

Still, you'll know for next time... :)

DarkWing said...

ummmm, ouch?