Thursday, 10 January 2008

Punch someone today, you'll thank me.

Have you ever noticed how, when someone is killed in an accident or possibly murdered in a gruesome manner, it always turns out that they were, according to their friends and acquaintances, the most incredible person that ever lived?
Perhaps a schoolboy gets killed crossing train tracks or gets blown up in a freak science lab experiment (slightly less likely these days due to health and safety laws meaning the most dangerous chemical you can use in school is lemon juice), which isn't nice obviously, but then the headteacher is recorded as saying he was the smartest, nicest, brightest boy in the school, then his friends say everyone loved him and he was always happy and smiling etc etc.

It's kind of odd isn't it?

So I have a theory about this, that may one day save your life.

If you find yourself being told constantly how great you are, or you never seem able to upset or annoy anyone, then be a bit worried.
If the absolute worst happens and somebody remarks "you know what, you are the most popular person around here, you're really great you are." then I recommend that you run, fast and far, 'cos your life is in the balance.
I reckon the world has an inscrutable plan to rid itself of the nicest, friendliest, most popular people (I don't know why, it's a theory, not a law), so if you think that might be you, then start being a bit of a nobhead, and quickly.

I'm off to pour tea on the bosses lap, just in case.


Stuart said...

Bollocks to you all!!!

Phew, that was close.

DarkWing said...


dandan said...

Good job there Clive, you have just avoided a gushing memorial service for a good few months, you arsehole.

Newnorth, still too nice, needs work.

Anonymous said...

Heh. I always wondered about that. I always imagine that quite often, the head teacher or whoever has to grit their teeth not to say, "Well, actually, Johnny Bloggs was a complete knobhead and we're all thrilled to see the back of him. It's not like we wanted him to be dragged into the school's industrial sized shredder when his tie got caught, but manys the time one or other of the staff here have wished we could turf the little fucker out the window. He was just one of those little 'know-it-all' gobshites, y'know? And I can't help feeling the world would be better off without him."

What the world needs is more honesty. :)