Friday, 14 December 2007

It's all about the willpower

It has finally happened, I have at last succumbed to the only remaining geeky vice that seperates us from them. (although now I might be a 'them' and not an 'us' anymore, so you are all 'them' to me and we are now 'us'. Uh oh.)

Yes, the other day I downloaded the free trial of.....

World of Warcraft.

I mean that's it, that's the end, I am now a MMORPG'er, and I must succumb to all that it entails. All my free time will be spent at this desk, I can no longer socialise like real people, my only friends will be those that I know of as things like Throgborn Skullsmasher (Peter, 12, from Uxstable in Kent) and Elviras Smutmistress (Arthur, 59, Bognor).

I will lose all interest in physical activity, my skin will fade to a pasty, light-starved grey colour, and my muscles will atrophy into formless blobs.
I will feel compelled to buy the least fashionable pair of glasses possible, and make sure they don't quite fit properly so that I have to keep pushing them up my nose. I may also develop an odd nasal condition that affects my voice.

I'll end up - Oh, hang on I'll have to finish this later, I have to go to the pub with my girlfriend.

Reality - 1, WoW - 0.


Anonymous said...

provided you've got a girlfriend, you'll be ok (but wasn't there a space on the subscription form where you have to declare you had never been kissed?)

dandan said...
