Friday, 2 November 2007

8 things, apparently.

Hey, look at me, an active part of the bloggy community and everything! Clive a.k.a Kitchentable (i'm not doing one of those linky coloured text things, follow the link over there >> the one predictably labelled Kitchentable) has passed on and asked me to fill out this list of seven lists of eight things (keep up).

If it had been sent to me by email it would probably have gone the same way as all the lottery win notifications and penis enlargement adverts I get, but as this blog thing is still all shiny and new and exciting to me, I will do my duty and fill it out.

Bit late I know, but, well, I can't even think of a reason why I should apologise for that, so nerr.

Here goes:

8 things I’m passionate about:

1. Rachel, blimey I'd get in trouble if I forgot that one. err, not that I would of course. Ahem.

2. Climbing. It's not got old yet, not even close.

3. Thinking through half-baked ideas but never putting them into action. I do this constantly and it's great fun. Passionate? yeah why not.

4. Telling people about really good films. I think I enjoy doing this more than actually watching the film in the first place.

5. Rotary engines. GEEEEEK! but trust me, they are cool.

6. Just fun in general really. Much preferable to, well, most things. Maybe this should be 'the pursuit of fun' instead.

7. erm... can I have Rachel again, I am really rather passionate about her after all.

8. I'll come back to this one, possibly.

8 things I want to do before I die:

1. Live quite a bit longer.

2. Build my own house with an interior balcony in the bedroom that opens out over an indoor swimming pool one floor below. Specific I know but I want what I want.

3. Spend a period of my life not having to worry about money.

4. Visit a good proportion of the countries of the world, I'm only on about 10 at the moment, and that's only if you count 3 Canary Islands separately.

5. Be my own boss.

6. Get something published. I genuinely don't care what it is.

7. Win a bloody climbing competition, don't ask.

8. Just before I die, change my will so that all my money gets left to a traffic bollard or something equally barmy. Although saying that, the way my mind wanders, I probably will be barmy if I live past about sixty five.

8 things I say often:

This changes quite often, and I tend to quote funny stuff from films and tv quite a lot, but right now it is:

1. Blimey

2. Aye Bambi

3. Hello beautiful.

4. wellll wellll welllll

5. Alright geezer (in dodgy cockerney accent)

6. Spider Dan, spider Dan.. (there is a whole theme tune, not made up by me I might add)

7. Slabby crack-crack (climbing related, not to do with narcotics abuse)

8. and a swear word to round it off, erm, I'll go for 'fucking cunty bollocks'

8 books I’ve read recently:

1. The Reality Dysfunction - Peter F. Hamilton

2. Fall of Kings - David Gemmell

3. at least six other David Gemmell books as I recently filled out my collection, so I'll mention a few interesting but not quite so recent books instead.

Breaking Vegas - Ben Mezrich (SP)

4. Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse - Robert Rankin

5. Anansi Boys - Neil Gaiman

6. Yes Man - Danny Wallace

7. Anything by Terry Pratchett

8. And anything old by Clive Cussler

8 songs I could listen to over and over:

1. The weird five beat to the bar song on 'Sea of the dying dhow' by Shels.

2. The whole Toxicity album by System of a Down (I can't just pick one)

3. Killing in the name by Rage Against The Machine

4. Walk by Pantera

5. Spread Love by Lenny Fontana

6. Blimey this is hard, erm, Weather Experience by Prodigy

7. Don't stop me now by Queen

8. Teardrop by Massive Attack

8 things that attract me to my best friend

1. She is also my (inverted commas) lover. Oh yes indeed.

2. Her complete lack of any crazy girlie type attributes. (Random strops, totally illogical arguments etc)

3. She is incredibly cool in all sorts of ways without even knowing it.

4,5,6,7 & 8. See 1, above

8 things I've learned this year:

1. Going out and getting drunk is fun, not scary.

2. 'Yes' is always considerably more fun than 'No', and a damn sight better than 'Maybe' too.

3. Blogging requires considerable commitment at times, much more than I thought it would.

4. Money really really isn't everything, it really isn't.

5. Just because you don't see someone as often as you used to, they are still just as good a friend as before.

6. I don't want to be a graphic designer.

7. Damn, I'm all out, seems I only learned 6 things this year, still, not bad going I reckon.


Anonymous said...

You've learnt to wash your hands after handling chillies.

You've also learnt that when a recipe book says 'brown the onions' it means a kind of golden colour NOT a brownish/Black.

And hopefully you've learnt that i am ALWAYS right. Even when im wrong, which is never. x

Stuart said...


I like reading these things. We're all right nosey Parkers though, aren't we?

Eights a big number though, innit?