Wednesday, 5 September 2007


I just thought up a decent topic for a post, which I could have put in my 50th post instead of that load of warbly codswallop I wrote, ah well.

I have a Chili Plant!

His name is Tim, he's a Habanero chili plant (I think)

Ok, ok I didn't tend Tim and nurture him lovingly from a tiny seedling to it's present fruit-bearing, green-leaved glory, I got him for free.

Still, it's like adoption, you end up with a child, but you don't have to go through all that nasty night feedings and nappy changing bit, you can skip straight to the living vicariously through them and trying to control their life part.

I am planning on eating the chillies from Tim, I wouldn't recommend carrying the simile back across to the adoption world, seriously, don't eat any part of your children, adopted or not.

I'll put up a picture of Tim soon as.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

damn it, i wanted to eat the children... good luck with the growing, i hope it goes better than my tomatoes (I have a whole 4 growing tomatoes after months of nearly killing them and then bringing them back to life pretty much on a weekly basis). considering i have 4 plants that's not very good going... sigh, i'm blaming it on the wet year and the most ungreen fingers in the world!

sarah :)