I don't know why sandcastle-making is generally restricted to young rapscallions and the like, it's great fun!
I think perhaps I was supposed to be embarrassed about being the (considerably) oldest person on the beach trying to make an accurate replica of a medieval stronghold, but I'm far too ignorant to bow to the constraints of modern beach etiquette.
I do have to give half the credit to Climbing Rich who was my assistant architect for the day, he is just as oblivious of acceptable beach behaviour as me, ta Rich.
I reckon our castle was so good, next time I am going to put a hat down and see if I can make back the petrol money.
I wonder if professional sandcastle making is a valid career...
Those pictures just dont do it justice! I shall email you the ones i took (yes, all 40 of them). x
Ha! That's brilliant.
Well said.
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