Wednesday, 21 March 2007


Well what a turn up for the books, I'm still alive.

(And late with my post as usual, but I'm bored of saying sorry about that now so- damn.)

Yes, you'll all probably be glad to know the kite didn't cause my unfortunate and grisly (though probably locally newsworthy) death, and nor did it cause the untimely expiry of my friend Rich, which surprised me.

"Blimey, that's surprising" said I, when, after handing the controls (strings) to Rich, he managed to stay both upright and in contact with Terra firma at all times, "that's not supposed to happen" I said, after recovering from the surprise.

You see, I was kind of disappointed that the kite didn't send Rich hurtling off towards the nearest tree, cliff-face or 4 lane motorway, just to prove how brave and talented I was to fly it all the time. But it didn't, and although he admitted it was hard to hang on to, and it did manage to pull him a few feet in the air a few times, he reckons it was a huge amount of fun.


My 'extreme' sportsman facade is crumbling around my ears, these things aren't supposed to be fun, they are supposed to be EXTREME!

I might have to introduce some broken glass or live power lines into the equation, I can't be having this.

Oh yeah, and I didn't really want Rich to die, probably best I add that, for legal reasons.


DarkWing said...

sounds EXTREME to me!

my favorite kite flying experience was when a hurricane was comeing thru! the nieghbor looked at us like we were was only a weak one though!

maybe that would be a little more extreme with your kite :D

dandan said...

Yeah my kite is a little to big if I'm honest, er hang on, im supposed to be being extreme aren't I? Right then, my kite isn't big enough! I need two!

(send flowers and condolences to my mother)