Yeah, er sorry again. Every time I write on here I apologise for being so infrequent with my posts, I should really stop doing that.
Time for a blatantly plagiarised mantra:
Never Apologise and Never Explain Yourself.
(What I mean by that is you shouldn't feel the need to justify your actions, I didn't make that clear, sorry.)
Fact is, life is good, and contrary to what I would have thought six months ago, this is directly related to the fact that life is also very busy. (seriously, you could draw a graph and everything)
So I have less time to write, but more to write about, in theory. I'm still having trouble thinking up a single topic for each post to flex my wit muscle over though, but that may just be me being a bit woolly-headed.
I don't really want to just write "I did this, then I did that, then so-and-so did this which was hilarious and we all went here and got drunk, then end" as my life may be fun for me but it can't be that great to just read about my life, verbatim style.
I think it's time for some hilariously brief bullet points to sum up the last few days, just to keep everyone up to speed. Perhaps I can do this once a week or something in future...
*Got haircut. Ears are cold.
*Went to gymnastics again and damaged some muscles on the side of my ankles. Good to be back in my weekly injury pattern, I was getting worried for a while there.
*Had Birthday, got great presents from Rach, and a cheque from the parents, how thoughtful. (They will each be getting a cheque for half the value of my cheque on their respective birthdays, I bet they don't smile falsely and go 'ooh, thanks' like I did.)
*Got incredibly drunk on Friday, I'm getting quite good at it now, more practice still required I feel though.
*Had great indulgent weekend in general, spent it all with Rach which was awesome. (not even slightly humorous but very true)
*Played Frisbee for the first time this year, I love my Frisbee. Still not warm enough to avoid getting cold ears.
*Got a lead on a possible graphic design job at a place where a mate of mine works, I desperately want it. This is very good news.
*Bench pressed 70 kilos, more on this later.
There is more I'm sure but seeing as my brain shares many more common features with a badly rusted sieve than it does with, say, a filing cabinet, I am bound to miss a few minor things. Several major things too I dare say. It'll come to me, don't push it.
Ah yes, can I just take this moment to say lots of nice things about Rachel, because she really deserves it, more so than usual right now. (bitter hate-filled cynics may want to skip a paragraph.)
For my birthday, Rach is getting me something amazing and most probably expensive, which she hasn't sorted out yet, so she got me a couple of things on Friday so I had something to open. The amazing thing was, each item she bought was something that she remembered I particularly liked. Not just, 'oh yes, that's nice, thanks' (hi mum and dad) but properly 'wow, I love that!' she bought me, er 5 things, all of which were perfectly chosen for me.
I think that is brilliant.
I don't think I could think of 5 things I could buy that she really loved, I was so impressed with the effort and the thought involved, she really is incredible.
Not only that, but she mentioned some ideas for the 'big' present, and she wanted me to choose so she didn't get it wrong. Unsuprisingly, every idea she had turned out to be something I would love, so I told her she will have to choose something, and I know she will get it right.
I hope I can do as well on her birthday, blimey.
It doesn't stop there, she literally just called me to say she has changed plans tonight and is going to the pub with one of her ex-boyfriends instead of a mate. I don't mind this at all, (well, no more than any male would, we all have basic instincts after all) but she rang to tell me in case I found out from someone else and thought she was hiding it from me. Now that is thoughtful. It constantly amazes me when she proves just how much she cares for me, it's great! I love her a huge amount.
Welcome back bitter hate-filled cynics, time for a tale of personal triumph, go me.
At my new place of work, there is a weights bench sitting in the back yard.
Long story slightly short, I got challenged to bench press about 70 kilos after claiming I could do it, and lo and behold, I managed it! Comfortably!
I only weigh 10 stone (64 kilos) now and used to weigh nearly 2 stone more when I used to go to the gym, (2 years ago) I was really pleased! Seems the general high level of physical stuff that I do has kept me in good shape, even the muscles I don't specifically use.
That was self indulgent I know but I was really pleased.
I wonder if I could have lifted more if I hadn't had a Chinese, an Indian, two bottles of champagne, chocolate cake, toblerone, lots of beer and lots of J.D in the preceding 3 days, hmm.
So much else to write, I've still not given a lot of subjects their fair share of attention, but I'm sure this is enough blathering for one post. I'll try and get some more up this week.
Stay safe kids.
Yeah, er sorry again. Every time I write on here I apologise for being so infrequent with my posts, I should really stop doing that.
Time for a blatantly plagiarised mantra:
Never Apologise and Never Explain Yourself.
(What I mean by that is you shouldn't feel the need to justify your actions, I didn't make that clear, sorry.)
Fact is, life is good, and contrary to what I would have thought six months ago, this is directly related to the fact that life is also very busy. (seriously, you could draw a graph and everything)
So I have less time to write, but more to write about, in theory. I'm still having trouble thinking up a single topic for each post to flex my wit muscle over though, but that may just be me being a bit woolly-headed.
I don't really want to just write "I did this, then I did that, then so-and-so did this which was hilarious and we all went here and got drunk, then end" as my life may be fun for me but it can't be that great to just read about my life, verbatim style.
I think it's time for some hilariously brief bullet points to sum up the last few days, just to keep everyone up to speed. Perhaps I can do this once a week or something in future...
*Got haircut. Ears are cold.
*Went to gymnastics again and damaged some muscles on the side of my ankles. Good to be back in my weekly injury pattern, I was getting worried for a while there.
*Had Birthday, got great presents from Rach, and a cheque from the parents, how thoughtful. (They will each be getting a cheque for half the value of my cheque on their respective birthdays, I bet they don't smile falsely and go 'ooh, thanks' like I did.)
*Got incredibly drunk on Friday, I'm getting quite good at it now, more practice still required I feel though.
*Had great indulgent weekend in general, spent it all with Rach which was awesome. (not even slightly humorous but very true)
*Played Frisbee for the first time this year, I love my Frisbee. Still not warm enough to avoid getting cold ears.
*Got a lead on a possible graphic design job at a place where a mate of mine works, I desperately want it. This is very good news.
*Bench pressed 70 kilos, more on this later.
There is more I'm sure but seeing as my brain shares many more common features with a badly rusted sieve than it does with, say, a filing cabinet, I am bound to miss a few minor things. Several major things too I dare say. It'll come to me, don't push it.
Ah yes, can I just take this moment to say lots of nice things about Rachel, because she really deserves it, more so than usual right now. (bitter hate-filled cynics may want to skip a paragraph.)
For my birthday, Rach is getting me something amazing and most probably expensive, which she hasn't sorted out yet, so she got me a couple of things on Friday so I had something to open. The amazing thing was, each item she bought was something that she remembered I particularly liked. Not just, 'oh yes, that's nice, thanks' (hi mum and dad) but properly 'wow, I love that!' she bought me, er 5 things, all of which were perfectly chosen for me.
I think that is brilliant.
I don't think I could think of 5 things I could buy that she really loved, I was so impressed with the effort and the thought involved, she really is incredible.
Not only that, but she mentioned some ideas for the 'big' present, and she wanted me to choose so she didn't get it wrong. Unsuprisingly, every idea she had turned out to be something I would love, so I told her she will have to choose something, and I know she will get it right.
I hope I can do as well on her birthday, blimey.
It doesn't stop there, she literally just called me to say she has changed plans tonight and is going to the pub with one of her ex-boyfriends instead of a mate. I don't mind this at all, (well, no more than any male would, we all have basic instincts after all) but she rang to tell me in case I found out from someone else and thought she was hiding it from me. Now that is thoughtful. It constantly amazes me when she proves just how much she cares for me, it's great! I love her a huge amount.
Welcome back bitter hate-filled cynics, time for a tale of personal triumph, go me.
At my new place of work, there is a weights bench sitting in the back yard.
Long story slightly short, I got challenged to bench press about 70 kilos after claiming I could do it, and lo and behold, I managed it! Comfortably!
I only weigh 10 stone (64 kilos) now and used to weigh nearly 2 stone more when I used to go to the gym, (2 years ago) I was really pleased! Seems the general high level of physical stuff that I do has kept me in good shape, even the muscles I don't specifically use.
That was self indulgent I know but I was really pleased.
I wonder if I could have lifted more if I hadn't had a Chinese, an Indian, two bottles of champagne, chocolate cake, toblerone, lots of beer and lots of J.D in the preceding 3 days, hmm.
So much else to write, I've still not given a lot of subjects their fair share of attention, but I'm sure this is enough blathering for one post. I'll try and get some more up this week.
Stay safe kids.
Me sporting my new hair with my friend Miaowcat.
ooh, a picture of me where i don't look like a nutbar, i'm stealing that! glad all is well in the world of dan, and the new hair looks great - worth having cold ears for :) see you soon my love *cough* with my tv *cough* hehehe x
Tv? I'm sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about. ahem.
Nice to see you not being anonymous though, other people I know in real life would do well to follow this you know, anonymouses are rubbish.
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