Monday, 5 February 2007

Can I have a job please?

I'm a bit scared.
I'm scared of looking for jobs, the things people expect of the applicants scares me, I'm scared of the thought of the interview, and I'm generally scared of not finding something that I will be able to do.

So, can someone just give me a job please? Like "turn up at 9am, we'll have a desk waiting for you" sort of thing?

It's not the job i'm frightened of, it's getting one that scares the crap out of me.


Anonymous said...

Hey dude. If you come to the docks at about 5.30 on Saturday night I might have some "work" for you. And your hat. XXX

Gorilla Bananas said...

How would you feel about killing crocodiles for a living? I promise you the interview would be a doddle.

dandan said...

sorry anonymous, my hat would get all the action and would never cut me in, I know it. Thanks for the offer though.

Gorilla bananas, morally I'm all for it, but I do worry about the scope of work available for a crocodile killer in central Southampton...