I think it might be the nice weather, I can't seem to generate enough interest in sitting still long enough to think up a subject for a proper blog. I'm definately partially solar powered.
Bear with me people, it's quality not quantity.
Thursday, 26 April 2007
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
I have Blogger's Block
I can't bring myself to write a blog, it's not even strictly a block, I have ideas, I want to write about the unlikely series of really friendly train conductors I met the other day among other things, but I just can't do it, aargh.
Normal service will resume, eventually, I hope.
Normal service will resume, eventually, I hope.
Friday, 13 April 2007
Don't worry, I sobered up
And I had a lovely bank holiday weekend, thanks for asking.
I'm just here to say sorry once again for lack of posty goodness this week, I just can't find the time!
I need to get myself a desk job again so I can spend all day chatting on MSN and writing blogs like I used to. *sigh*
Never mind, more bloggy action coming soon, I promise*
*I can't promise when the next blog will be, how good it will be, or whether you will like it, but aside from that I just generally promise. :)
I'm just here to say sorry once again for lack of posty goodness this week, I just can't find the time!
I need to get myself a desk job again so I can spend all day chatting on MSN and writing blogs like I used to. *sigh*
Never mind, more bloggy action coming soon, I promise*
*I can't promise when the next blog will be, how good it will be, or whether you will like it, but aside from that I just generally promise. :)
Sunday, 8 April 2007
Tuesday, 3 April 2007
Inventive slang that makes me laugh Part 1 (and 2)
A woman who deems it necessary to parade around without any covering garments above the waist could be described as having "unholstered funbags" or "free range baps".
Thank you thank you thank you to little red boat for making me laugh uncontrollably for quite a while.
Thank you thank you thank you to little red boat for making me laugh uncontrollably for quite a while.
Relocation, relocation, etc.
I've just found two items which normally live on my mantelpiece, in the garage.
I didn't put them there, they don't belong there, they belong on my mantelpiece, doing what mantelpiece adornments do best, look interesting and give you something to fiddle with when you are standing around waiting.
But when I went out to perform open-starter-motor surgery on my car this evening, (the operation was a success, I would like to add) I opened the garage to look for tools, only to find my home furnishings nestling amongst the oily rags and underused power tools.
Why do people do that? I live with my parents, and until I can rectify that fact, am I doomed to have my stuff randomly relocated on a regular basis? I'm guessing my mum was behind it, but what makes her think "ooh, that strange pair of goggles (a-la my profile pic) and that bit of carved wood (carved by me, multi talented Dandan) would look much nicer out in the garage, I'll just move them for him", why would you do that?!
It's not even a shared mantelpiece, even though I live at home I'm very lucky to have my own living room, so it's my very own mantelpiece, I should be able to choose exactly what I want on it, I dont have to make room for my mum's dreaded Swarovski collection or my dad's jazz C.D's, it's mine!
Still, I'm off now to go and put the sandwich toaster under the bathroom sink and move all my dads shirts into his sock drawer, I feel it's only fair.
I didn't put them there, they don't belong there, they belong on my mantelpiece, doing what mantelpiece adornments do best, look interesting and give you something to fiddle with when you are standing around waiting.
But when I went out to perform open-starter-motor surgery on my car this evening, (the operation was a success, I would like to add) I opened the garage to look for tools, only to find my home furnishings nestling amongst the oily rags and underused power tools.
Why do people do that? I live with my parents, and until I can rectify that fact, am I doomed to have my stuff randomly relocated on a regular basis? I'm guessing my mum was behind it, but what makes her think "ooh, that strange pair of goggles (a-la my profile pic) and that bit of carved wood (carved by me, multi talented Dandan) would look much nicer out in the garage, I'll just move them for him", why would you do that?!
It's not even a shared mantelpiece, even though I live at home I'm very lucky to have my own living room, so it's my very own mantelpiece, I should be able to choose exactly what I want on it, I dont have to make room for my mum's dreaded Swarovski collection or my dad's jazz C.D's, it's mine!
Still, I'm off now to go and put the sandwich toaster under the bathroom sink and move all my dads shirts into his sock drawer, I feel it's only fair.
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